Centrifugal Sifters Ensure Product Quality

For safe manucfaturing processes without foreign bodies

  • by Gericke
  • August 18, 2021
  • Centrifugal Sifters Ensure Product Quality
    Centrifugal Sifters Ensure Product Quality

The Grocery Manufacturer’s Association claims the average product recall can cost a food manufacturer $10m in direct costs alone but indirect and reputational costs can be much higher. Gericke has developed its range of Centrifugal Sifters to ensure the final product leaving the factory is the highest quality. Not only are Gericke’s sifting solutions designed to give the maximum efficiency with yields of 99.99% often expected, they serve and protect the manufacturing process. There are many types of foreign bodies that can appear in a factory and an effective HACCP can work to minimize these to a certain extent. Examples are; hair nets, pens with metal detectable parts and general GMP and also there are a number of technical solutions such as magnets and X-ray that can be utilised. However, not all foreign bodies are the same. Insects, paper, string and fragments of wood are often too small to be detected with many having a size of less than 1 mm.

Removing parts down to sizes of 0.1 mm

A Centrifugal Sifter works on the principle of feeding powder at a controlled rate via an internal scroll, the material passes into a basket which has a fixed aperture size, the material is thrown out centrifugally and fine material passes through the screen, oversize particles travel the length of the basket and are rejected through the over tails outlet. Whilst a simple process, machine configuration and process know-how, allow Gericke to produce machines capable of processing up to 100,000 kg/h removing foreign bodies as small as 0.1 mm. The Sifter itself can be situated either in a gravity fed configuration under Silo, Sack or FIBC emptying or can also be within inline processes such as a pneumatic conveying line.

The new Gericke Sifter has been designed for complete ease of use and is packed with features to allow easy access for internal inspection without the use of any tools. The sifting screen can be inspected in place without removal and can be interchanged if required in a matter of minutes. A range of different size Sifter units are offered to suit all operational needs and cater for the requirements of smaller artisan producers through to large commercial enterprises.