It's Time for MaintenanceStories 2015!

The milestone event for all the industrial maintenance operators, MaintenanceStories 2015, will take place on October 2nd in the biggest brewing plant in Italy, Heineken's plant in Comun Nuovo (Bergamo)

  • July 10, 2015
  • It's Time for MaintenanceStories 2015!
    It's Time for MaintenanceStories 2015!

It's time to announce the next edition of the milestone event for all the industrial maintenance operators: MaintenanceStories 2015. The format that celebrates its first 10 years, is back with the 13th edition which will take place on October 2nd in the biggest brewing plant in Italy, Heineken's plant in Comun Nuovo (Bergamo).

Organized in cooperation with Minetti Group and IPH, the one-day conference is divided in two sessions (morning and afternoon) during which Maintenance and Factory Managers from different companies will present their most successful application cases, highlighting the procedures and results achieved.

As usual, the leitmotif and core of the conference will be Industrial Maintenance within various sectors, as the presence of a great number of Italian companies taking the floor through their technicians suggests: CoProB, Acque San Benedetto, Bonaiti, Granarolo, Cogne Acciai Speciali, Nuova Cmme, Aria-C, Heineken (agenda to be confirmed).

At the end of the day, Heineken will finally open the doors of its plant for a guided visit reserved to thirty lucky drawn participants.

The event is promoted under the sponsorship of Messe Frankfurt. Festo Consulting will participate in the event as Associated Partner

Pre-register for the event clicking here

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