Haver & Boecker and Windmöller & Hölscher Presented Aventus at Achema

The new joint venture company, created by Haver & Boecker and Windmöller & Hölscher to officially seal their historical collaboration, will include both companies' porfolio of filling technology, palletizing and load securing technology

  • June 15, 2018
  • Dr. Jürgen Vutz (CEO Windmöller & Hölscher), Kai Lammers (Managing Director Aventus) and Florian Festge (Managing Partner Haver & Boecker) announced the foundation of AVENTUS at the press conference during ACHEMA
    Dr. Jürgen Vutz (CEO Windmöller & Hölscher), Kai Lammers (Managing Director Aventus) and Florian Festge (Managing Partner Haver & Boecker) announced the foundation of AVENTUS at the press conference during ACHEMA

At the ACHEMA trade fair, HAVER & BOECKER and WINDMÖLLER & HÖLSCHER had the pleasure to announce their official collaboration, sealed with the creation and presentation of their new joint venture AVENTUS. AVENTUS is specialized on solutions for the packing of free-flowing loose goods up to finished pallets and was established to take the most out of both H&B and W&H technology and expertise with the aim of developing together new filtering and palletizing solutions sharing 50% of combining technology. 

The foundation of the company

The joint company was officially founded in June with each party holding a 50% share. NEWTEC, the HAVER & BOECKER subsidiary specialized in palletizing, is now a 100% subsidiary of AVENTUS. Once under full operation, AVENTUS will employ over 300 employees and reach sales of approximately 80 million euros. With the joint company, the market leaders bundle their strengths to shape the future of filling and palletizing together.

“Today’s megatrends of globalization and digitalization are impacting the filling and palletizing markets,” Florian Festge, Managing Partner at HAVER & BOECKER, explains the motives behind the joint venture at the press conference. “Rapidly increasing innovation cycles, linked production processes worldwide along with higher demands for flexibility are only some of the challenges the market faces. In order to optimally fulfil the customer needs of today and tomorrow, we need a strong and focused team. With AVENTUS this is precisely what we will create,” says Festge.

Why "Aventus"

The name AVENTUS is derived from the names of both parent companies. “Avena means Hafer (the German word for oats), and ventus means wind. The new name symbolizes the unification of the best of both companies,” says Dr. Jürgen Vutz, CEO at W&H. Appointed as Managing Director of AVENTUS is Kai Lammers. The graduate engineer worked at W&H for the last 16 years, most recently as Division Manager Service-Sales. “With Kai Lammers we have an experienced manager who possesses technical expertise as well as production and international experience,” says Vutz.

Porfolio available

The portfolio of AVENTUS will include filling technology for open bags, FFS bags and big bags as well as palletizing and load securing technology. “With access to products of both HAVER & BOECKER and WINDMÖLLER & HÖLSCHER, AVENTUS covers the entire value-creation chain. With this broad product range, we are able to very specifically fulfil customer requirements: from standard to special applications, from low-speed to high-speed systems. The customer has one contact person and receives everything from a single source.” The AVENTUS portfolio is especially interesting for customers from chemicals, food and animal feed markets.

Service and headquarters 

For service AVENTUS will benefit from the structures of both parent companies. “AVENTUS will offer service on all 5 continents, with access to 52 service centers, and over 500 service technicians,” says Lammers. “Like its mother companies AVENTUS promises long-term service and guarantees service for existing machines from both companies as well as for new machines,” says Lammers.

Although the exact location is not yet decided, it is certain that AVENTUS will have its headquarters in Münsterland, Germany. By 2020 it will have its own production, R&D and other functions there. With NEWTEC a second production site is located in Alsace, France.

Lammers also offered a view of the future direction of innovation: “Based on the product portfolio of both companies, AVENTUS will keep developing the product range in the future. Topics such as the integration of the entire value-creation chain and increasing digitalization with respect to Industry 4.0 have already been worked on in both parent companies over the past years. At AVENTUS we will continue to drive these developments with bundled strengths and expertise. This will result in innovations that will be of great benefit to our customers."