Improving sustainability in analytic laboratories
Non browning lens for small sensor cameras
Versatile and robust design to meet the needs of field workers
Over 70 Years of Italian Innovation and Excellence
How to select the most suitable solid state relay for your motor control application
Compact wall mounts for a wide temperature range
High-Performance Seal Material for the Pharmaceutical Industry and Biotechnology
Automated system for recovering and purifying gases used in gas chromatography (GC)
Unique optical module fits for a wide range of mounting arrangements used by different satellite camera systems
Cooling systems are crucial parts of industrial facilities, and an efficient cooling tower is of critical importance for the performance and durability of the facility
Design and manufacture service for radiation resistant lenses
Precise and fast movements for a versatile range of applications
Modular system for continuous or batch processes in battery production
Optimised solution for a surveillance camera manufacturer
Under the heading "Forging Tomorrow – Unleashing the Industrial AI Benefits", a panel on the assessment of artificial intelligence by experts from the industry took place at the Emerson Exchange.
IP66K / IP67 brushless versions withstand high pressure sprays
Supporting sustainability goals with zero ozone depleting potential
Reliable high-performance compressors in the 11–22 kW segment
New range of tools for maintenance duties included in customer care plans
Resolve Optics has two decades of experience in radiation resistant lenses for nuclear, space and medical applications and an unmatched range of standard fixed focus and zoom lens designs to draw upon. Adapting one of these existing designs enables Resolve Optics to quickly produce a radiation resistant lens optimized to suit almost any application. All optical elements within Resolves’s radiation...
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