Continuous measurment

of pH, active chlorine and temperature

  • by Heito SA
  • November 1, 2009
  • Continuous measurment
    Continuous measurment

The Aquachlore is dedicated to the control of water, enabling a continuous measuring of pH, active chlorine and temperature. With its IP65 waterproof wall mounting case, it is suitable for applications such as drinking water installations and hot water circuits thanks to its wide measuring range (0.01- 5mg/l) of active chlorine. The amperometric cell with three electrodes measures the electric current induced by active chlorine concentration : a reference potential is applied to the silver electrode which induces a chemical reaction, specific to HClO, between the working electrode covered with a thin diffusion membrane and the auxiliary electrode. Plugging in two dosing pumps enables both chlorine and pH regulation. The sensitive end of the chlorine/temperature probe is interchangeable Ø 50 mm. The temperature probe is inside the chlorine chamber. The pH measuring chamber is made up of a glass electrode and a solid electrolyte KCl gel reference electrode.