Optimised for a ¼-inch format camera sensor – the new Resolve Optics non browning 10x zoom lens can withstand exposure to radiation to over a million Gy, enabling operation in nuclear plant hot zones to ensure more reliable processes, greater automation, and less human intervention. Offering full motorised control of zoom, iris and focusing this new ¼-inch variant of the Model 357 lens provides true HD quality images over a 10x zoom range. Operating at f/2.8, the zoom lens provides high image resolution and minimum geometric distortion from 400 to 770nm and can image objects from 1300mm to infinity. Using specially selected non browning glass the lens produces clear sharp images free of the strong yellow tint that has traditionally been a limiting issue when using radiation tolerant lenses on colour sensors.
Monitoring Nuclear Plant Hot Zones
Radiation-Resistant Zoom Lens for Harsh Environments
- by Resolve Optics Ltd
- November 20, 2024