for aggressive media and hygiene applications
improve cleaning of viscous/sticky products' tanks
in pure and solid design
GEMÜ’s single-use diaphragm valve allows a paradigm shift to single-use technology: from manual systems to systems which can be automated for fault-free operation and with complying documentation.The trend towards simplified plant designs upstream and downstream and the effective prevention of cross-contamination risks is constantly giving an ever more important profile to single-use disposable...
in stainless steel
for low-temperature application
with optimized turn-down ratio
of waste water pumping stations
on flow control duty
helps to expand gas pipeline network
for synthetic heat-transfer liquids
especially for the chemical industry
compact, low weight, energy effcient
with extended explosion protection
for pipe-to-instrument interfacing
removes need for pulsation dampeners
designed for gas turbines
for Sodium & Calcium Hypochlorite injection
for high-viscosity fluids
and cuts operating costs by 39%
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