Versatile full-flow valve designed for harsh environments and working pressure of more than 400 bar
Systems Approach helps optimising operation of pumps
Software packages for different requirements in a wide range of industry sectors
High-performance for fast and precise positioning
Creating a new hygienic production facility that includes ATEX zone 1 areas is a complex task, especially when the facility will need over 1,400 control valves.
For use with fluids that place high demands on pumps
Equipped for a long and efficient service life
Ensuring highest hygiene standards for food production and processing
Positive shut-off of liquid and gas
Water injection pump brought back to life to maintain productivity after seven years lying dormant
Compact instrumentation valve for critical pressure measurement
Installation of a system for reliable water supply in a thermal spa
Krohne and SAMSON decided to start a collaboration to develop new products that combine the expertise of both companies and help their customers solving problems the smart way. PCN Europe interviewed the two General Managers of the new company FOCUS-ON.
The completely dry-running and hermetically gas-tight solution is designed for applications that require absolute process safety and purity. With final pressures of up to 450 barg, the compressor offers oil-free compression of virtually any gas.
Innovative designs for long term reliability
Reliable and rugged no-contact sensing system
Ready-to operate solution in IP68 for harsh environments
Quality and safety are the two critical considerations when choosing a valve for extreme conditions
Current products in the field of industrial controls have additional functions for increasing the availability of pumps. For their development, Siemens obtained the assistance of experts in various industries.
For use in corrosive environments
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