Hydrogen Production Process of Swedish Pilot Plant equipped by AEG Power Solutions

The facility is part of a complex dedicated to test various industrial hydrogen applications contributing to reduce carbon emissions in metal production

  • May 28, 2021
  • Courtesy of Hydrogen Pro: Hydrogegen Pro Electrolyser at Swerim’s facility presented by Richard Espeseth, Founder, Member of Board of Directors and Chief Business Development Officer Hydrogen Pro
    Courtesy of Hydrogen Pro: Hydrogegen Pro Electrolyser at Swerim’s facility presented by Richard Espeseth, Founder, Member of Board of Directors and Chief Business Development Officer Hydrogen Pro

AEG Power Solutions, a global provider of power supply systems and solutions for industrial, critical infrastructure and innovative power electronic applications announced that it provided the power supply systems for the high-pressure electrolysis process of a pilot plant of hydrogen production in Lulea, Sweden. Solution is based on Thyrobox DC 3, industrial high-power DC power supply. The equipment was sold to Hydrogen Pro who built the facility for the metal research institute of Sweden, Swerim. Hydrogen Pro is a Norwegian-based company, providing solutions for producing, storing, and distributing hydrogen from renewable energy sources. 

The use of hydrogen as a subsititute to fossil sources can be of interest for the de-carbonation of many industrial processes, Swerim research institute of the metal industry in Sweden is answering an increasing demand of the industry for trials based on technologies contributing to reduce carbon emissions. The pilot plant integrates its own hydrogen production and will allow, among other projects, to test and assess various industrial hydrogen applications. Potential applications in industry include fossil-free production of steel and other metals, hydrogen-based furnace heating, or production 'raw materials' for the petrochemical industry. The electrolysis process selected by Swerim is HydrogenPro highly efficient alkaline electrolyser with a high level of dynamics.

Energy efficient and reliable processes

Electrolysis process demands the highest reliability in terms of power supply. High quality output voltage and high power are a necessity but energy efficiency and limited distortions to the grid feeder are also part of the equation. A good power factor and minimized harmonics contribute to reduce the overall cost of operations in these processes. The Thyrobox DC 3 was designed to provide those benefits. Two systems were acquired by Hydrogen Pro to equip the hydrogen production facility for Swerim, in addition to a transformer and AC distribution. Full grid-compliance and the flexibility of the solution were key to the choice of Thyrobox DC 3.

“Contributing to this pilot plant which will test many diverse applications of hydrogen in the industry opens very exciting perspective for us", explains Andreas Becker, Head of Grid & Storage business at AEG Power Solutions. "Being selected by Hydrogen Pro for their cutting-edge technology electrolisers gives us another opportunity to demonstrate the flexibility and the reliability of our Thyrobox DC 3 power supply system for this type of applications”