KEMA and Gasunie have reached a definitive agreement concerning the acquisition of Gasunie Engineering & Technology (GET). KEMA will integrate the division of Gasunie, which consists of approximately 90 people, into its existing gas activities. This will result in a new business unit focused on gas consultancy, engineering services and research & development for the national and international energy sectors. The takeover lays a strong foundation for an international ‘Center of Excellence’ in gas expertise,and marks the beginning of a strategic collaboration between KEMA and Gasunie. Thijs Aarten,member of the Executive Board of KEMA: ‘We are extremely pleased to have reached this agreement with Gasunie. Our consolidation of gas and electricity expertise is a proactive step in anticipating the developments in the global energy markets. This new combination is also an important step for the Netherlands, a country considered an authority in the field of energy.’Comment by Pieter Trienekens, member of the Executive Board of Gasunie: ‘In order to continue making significant contributions in the future,broader utilization of the know-how and experience acquired by GET is essential. We are convinced that combining our activities with those of KEMA, and joining its extensive international network is the best way to do this. In the new situation, Gasunie will be a strategic business partner and one of the larger clients of KEMA’s new Center of Excellence.’