Peli Products Announces its International Photo Contest 2015

The contest will honor the best pictures from professional or amateur photographers passionate about Peli products

  • June 24, 2015
  • Peli Products Announces its International Photo Contest 2015
    Peli Products Announces its International Photo Contest 2015

Peli Products is glad to announce its International Photo Contest for creative professional and amateur photographers who are fond of Peli products and adventures. For the first time, the competition is open to everyone, from anywhere in Europe, Middle East and Africa. They are all invited to send their best pictures of Peli products "in action". This is the perfect opportunity to show creativity, talent and the love for photography.

There will be three prizes:

1st prize: 1.500€ in Peli Products

2nd prize: 1.000€ in Peli Products

3rd prize: 500€ in Peli Products

The talented prize winners will choose their favorite products from Peli worth up to the amount set for each prize (MSRP); and their winning pictures will be showcased in the 2016 Peli's Official Calendar.

The contest is open from the 1st July and the deadline for entries is the 31st of August 2015. The prize-winner will be announced in on the 4th of September.

Photo Contest submissions

Full details of the competition's rules, prize and judging procedures are available since July 1st at All photographs need to be submitted through this platform after completing the participation form.

Enjoy Peli Photo Contest 2015, and Good Luck!