Todd Gilliam is ABB New Food & Beverage Segment Leader

Having over 30 years of experience in manufacturing, in his new role Gilliam will lead a team that takes responsibility for educating and informing food manufacturers on the impact of digitalization and on long-term solutions to improve efficiency

  • February 15, 2018
  • Todd Gilliam is ABB New Food & Beverage Segment Leader
    Todd Gilliam is ABB New Food & Beverage Segment Leader

Todd Gilliam has been appointed US segment leader for ABB Food and Beverage operations. Cliff Cole, who had previously been in this position for three years, has taken on the role of leader of commercial and strategic integration.

Who is Todd Gilliam

Gilliam joins ABB from Schneider Electric, where he was a food and beverage industry manager since September 2014. He has over 30 years of experience in manufacturing, having been a global account manager for brands such as Coca-Cola and Microsoft. Gilliam will now lead a team that represents all of ABB’s current business units. The team will take responsibility for educating and informing food manufacturers on the impact digitalization is having on the industry and what long-term solutions are available to improve efficiency and profitability

Food & Beverage and new technologies

Digitalization has been at the forefront of manufacturers’ minds for a number of years now, and many are interested not only in optimizing existing assets to keep up with their competitors, but also leveraging new technologies to gain a strategic advantage,” said Gilliam. “As an industry, food and beverage has traditionally been a slower adopter of new technologies when compared with sectors such as energy or processing. Rather than playing catch up, manufacturers are now looking at what the future holds and how they can make their own facilities smarter.

“At ABB, our aim is to assist manufacturers in futureproofing their operations. For the vast majority, building a new facility isn’t an option. Industry 4.0 has led to the creation of a wealth of technologies that can enhance existing operations, improve efficiencies and minimize production downtime.

“Big data, a phrase that is commonly thrown around, will play a big part in this. In the industrial context,  many manufacturers collate data from disparate sources, but few are able to truly understand it and use as actionable operational information. We want to change this.” 

“Todd brings a wealth of experience to the role that will be invaluable to ABB,” added Markus Brettschneider, senior vice president and general manager of ABB’s global food and beverage applications. “His ability to develop relationships and look at the bigger picture for clients will be important to the development of ABB’s work in the US food and beverage industry. We’re delighted to have him on board and look forward to seeing the changes that he will bring.” 

Gilliam will be based at ABB’s Atlanta office in the United States. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of South Carolina. 

For more information about ABB’s products and services for the food and beverage sector, visit