ACHEMA 2022 – Call for Papers

Contributions to the congress program and PRAXISforums of ACHEMA 2022 can be submitted as of now. Scientists from industry and research institutions are invited to submit their papers until 13 September 2021.

  • July 9, 2021
  • ACHEMA 2022 – Call for Papers
    ACHEMA 2022 – Call for Papers

About 800 presentations at ACHEMA from April 4-8, 2022 in Frankfurt/Germany will showcase results from application-oriented basic research through to applied research and development.The ACHEMA-Congress comprises the complete spectrum of chemical and process engineering as well as biotechnology themes. Under the overarching headlines “Fossil free production”, “New developments in production”, and “Laboratory and analytics”, the topics range from analytics, energy supply, process design, reaction technology through to safety. The sessions will focus on application-oriented research and the development from proof-of-concept to the threshold of market entry. 

The ACHEMA PRAXISforums are held in the immediate vicinity of the respective exhibition group and focus on industrial applications, new products and services in chemical engineering, biotechnology and the process industry. Market- and practice-oriented topics are presented in a concise format. PRAXISforum presentations that do not directly relate to a specific exhibition group can me submitted for the “Open Topic” session.

Abstracts for both formats can be submitted as of now via the ACHEMA website. Deadline is 13 September 2021.

ACHEMA is the world forum for chemical engineering, process engineering and biotechnology. Every three years the world’s leading show for the process industry attracts around 3,800 exhibitors from over 50 different countries to present new products, processes and services to 150,000 professionals from all over the world. The spectrum ranges from laboratory equipment, pumps and analytical devices to packaging machinery, boilers and stirrers through to safety technology, materials and software, thus covering the entire needs of the chemical, pharmaceutical and food production industries. The accompanying congress, featuring 800 scientific lectures and numerous guest and partner events, complements the wide range of themes of the exhibition