With 418 exhibitors, AchemAsia has opened in Beijing on Monday morning. Until Thursday, companies from 23 countries present on 6,500 m² the latest for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry as well as related sectors. The exhibition covers everything from laboratory equipment via apparatus, plant engineering and process engineering to packaging machinery. The accompanying conference is built up from satellite symposia on current topics; the focus is on environmental technology, water treatment and resources.
The number of exhibitors and the exhibition area have slightly increased. Especially the strong growth of Chinese participation is remarkable, as it accounts for the first time for more than 50 % of exhibitors. "We take this as a strong indication for the importance of our exhibition to domestic stakeholders", said Dr. Thomas Scheuring, CEO of DECHEMA Ausstellungs-GmbH, at the opening press conference. "Although being exhibition organizers from abroad, we always had in mind our goal to hold AchemAsia as a platform for enterprises and attendees from the region. This has come true not least due to the support of our Chinese partners, especially CIESC Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China."
By far the largest exhibitor group - 240 companies - comes from China, followed by Germany with 90 and France with 17 exhibitors. Dominating topics in the exhibition are apparatus and plant engineering, process engineering, pharmaceutical processes as well as environmental technology and water treatment.
The satellite symposia are organized by Chinese and international partners and focus on the substitution of petroleum, environmental protection and water treatment, process analytics, chemical separation technologies and joining in chemical apparatus. The BMBF (German Federal Ministry for Education and Research) offers a session on CO2-Utilization. "The importance of China as a hub for innovation is steadily increasing", said Prof. Dr. Kurt Wagemann, Executive Director of DECHEMA e.V., at the press conference. He also pointed out that Sino-German business relations are intensifying more and more. "China and Germany are no longer interlinked only by trade, but also by investment in both directions and knowledge exchange."
AchemAsia is held every three years in Beijing / PR China. It is organized by DECHEMA and CIESC (Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China) in cooperation with numerous Chinese and international partners.
AchemAsia opened in Beijing:
meeting point for the process industry in China
- May 13, 2013