Management Change at Endress+Hauser Liquid Analysis

Dr Thomas Buer will be­come the new man­aging dir­ect­or of En­dress+Haus­er Li­quid Ana­lys­is on 1 Oc­to­ber 2024. He suc­ceeds Dr Man­fred Ja­gi­ella, who is re­tir­ing at the end of Septem­ber after 17 years at the helm of the com­pet­ence cen­ter for li­quid ana­lys­is.

  • August 13, 2024
  • Dr Manfred Jagiella is retiring after 17 years as managing director of Endress+Hauser Liquid Analysis
    Dr Manfred Jagiella is retiring after 17 years as managing director of Endress+Hauser Liquid Analysis
  • Dr Thomas Buer will become the new managing director of Endress+Hauser Liquid Analysis on  1 October 2024.
    Dr Thomas Buer will become the new managing director of Endress+Hauser Liquid Analysis on 1 October 2024.

Manfred Jagiella joined Endress+Hauser as Managing Director at the beginning of 2007. Since then, he has developed the competence centre for liquid analysis into a sustainably growing and profitable company. During this time, the number of employees has tripled to more than 1,300 worldwide and sales have increased even more. Endress+Hauser Liquid Analysis has won various innovation prizes and other awards. It has been ranked first in Germany several times as an exemplary employer and was recently even honoured as one of the best employers worldwide. Since 2016, Manfred Jagiella has also been valued as a committed member of the Executive Board of the Endress+Hauser Group. In September of this year, Dr Manfred Jagiella will be 65 years old and will then begin a new chapter in his life. 

"Dr Manfred Jagiella has played a key role in making Endress+Hauser one of the world's leading suppliers of liquid analysis equipment," said Dr Peter Selders, CEO of the Endress+Hauser Group. "We would like to thank him for his many years of dedicated service to our company and his contribution to the success of the Group. We wish him all the best and good health for the next phase of his life.

Continuation of the successful development

His successor, Dr Thomas Buer, joins Endress+Hauser Liquid Analysis from Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions. The 55-year-old manager studied mechanical and process engineering at the Technical University of Aachen and has extensive international experience in the water and environmental technology sector. In professional positions in Germany, Canada, the USA and France, he has successfully managed global business units and advanced innovative technologies.

"In Dr Thomas Buer, we have found an experienced Managing Director for our Liquid Analysis Competence Centre. His broad expertise and international experience will help him to further develop Endress+Hauser Liquid Analysis together with the proven management team," says Dr Andreas Mayr, COO of the Endress+Hauser Group. To ensure a smooth transition, Thomas Buer will join Endress+Hauser on 1 August 2024.

Manfred Jagiella's responsibilities on the Executive Board of the Endress+Hauser Group will be assumed by other members of the Executive Board as of October.