Measurement Fair in Nürnberg, Germany

  • April 28, 2014
  • SENSOR+TEST 2014
    SENSOR+TEST 2014

The 21st international SENSOR+TEST trade fair will be held from the 3rd to the 5th of June 2014 at the Nürnberg Exhibition Center. The SENSOR+TEST is a must-go venue for developers, engineers, and users from all industries as well as for engineering and science students. State-of-the-art sensor and measuring technology is crucial for the sustainability of devices, machines, systems, and processes. Moreover, without the latest testing technology, the ever-increasing demands on the reliability of products and processes could not be met.

There is no comparable platform in Europe where innovative users can meet so many innovative suppliers of sensor, measuring, and testing technology from all over the globe. The AMA Association for Sensors and Measurement backer and AMA Service organizer count with about 550 exhibitors and approximately 8,000 visitors.

Focal Topic for 2014: Safety & Security
Today’s sensors and measurement technology are providing more and more safety and security in all areas from everyday life to industrial processes. Low-maintenance sensors reliably detect toxic and inflammable gases to ensure air quality, they control air-conditioning systems, and other sensors are integrated in wind-park condition monitoring systems, triggering alarms per SMS, while fiber-optic sensors check for fatigue in aircraft components. The range of safety-relevant applications is extremely broad.

This is why the Exhibitor Committee and the Executive Board of the AMA Association opted for “Safety & Security” as the focal topic for the SENSOR+TEST 2014. Visitors can obtain a specific and concentrated overview of products and solutions dealing with safety and security at the special forum in Hall 12. The lecture forum in Hall 12 will also be devoted to the subject of safety and security on 3 June 2014 and offers a subsequent podium discussion.