Top Score for Sustainability

Endress+Hauser once again scored 76 out of a possible 100 points in the EcoVadis sustainability audit. The Group was thus able to maintain its top position from last year and continues to rank among the top percent of comparable companies.

  • September 21, 2022
  • Photovoltaic systems on the roofs of many company buildings generate solar energy and help reaching the goals.
    Photovoltaic systems on the roofs of many company buildings generate solar energy and help reaching the goals.
  • At the Reinach location, employees in a working group regularly seek out new approaches to sustainability. One of the ideas was the establishment of two bee colonies on the roof of the building.
    At the Reinach location, employees in a working group regularly seek out new approaches to sustainability. One of the ideas was the establishment of two bee colonies on the roof of the building.

With the total number of points, Endress+Hauser was also awarded platinum status for corporate social responsibility (CSR) in 2022. “Our sustainability journey naturally continues. Platinum status demonstrates that we are on the right path,” says Matthias Altendorf, CEO of the Endress+Hauser Group. 

High sustainability targets 

In order to satisfy the growing requirements of sustainability into the future, Endress+Hauser created the new position of Corporate Social Responsibility Officer, a role assumed by Julia Schempp in April of this year. She is responsible for overseeing the Group’s sustainability strategy and for driving concepts, initiatives and activities aimed at improvements in ecological, ethical and social areas. Plans are in place to define a Group-wide CO2 target by the end of this year. Work is also underway to develop further CSR metrics for the entire Group.

Endress+Hauser achieved excellent results across all areas of the EcoVadis benchmark. “We value the feedback from the EcoVadis experts and take the recommended improvements outlined in the detailed evaluation very seriously,” says Julia Schempp. The report underscored highly positive sustainability performance in the areas of environmental and work standards and human rights. “We can maintain our position in the benchmark only through continuous improvements.”

Growing importance

Sustainability is increasingly becoming a business factor. “We receive CSR-related inquiries nearly every day from our customers and partners,” says Gerd Gritsch, Corporate Director Quality at Endress+Hauser, who adds: “Given that we help our customers to produce sustainably, we have to set a good example with our own business and production processes.”  

The issue of sustainability is also of importance to growing numbers of employees. During the construction of a new office and production building in Reinach, Endress+Hauser focused on environmental and climate protection. The design included input and suggestions from employees who are part of a working group that searches for new approaches to sustainability. Among the ideas was the establishment of two bee colonies on the roof of the building. A hobby beekeeper, who is also an employee of Endress+Hauser, looks after the insects; the first batch of honey has already been harvested.